Wednesday 10 May 2017

Photos of subject

To gather primary research for your story illustrations.

Consider the subject matter of your chosen book and take a wealth of relevant photos.

Use your imagination. The best marks will go to those that consider elements of the book that require some thought and planning. Set up a scenario.
For example - if a character in your story is in the army, it would be beneficial to your studies if you took a set of images of somebody dressed as a soldier doing 

Bring them to Monday's lesson, 7th Mar. 

We will then create a contact sheet and annotate the images.

Checklist for assessment 
50+ interesting images, lots of different angles and a variety of subject matter examples.

Time needed 
2.5 hrs

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Case study

Rachel's fine example...

To further your understanding of graphic communication practitioners

Using the web, research and present a case study about a designer/illustrator/photographer of your choice. 

Choose somebody who you could possibly be influenced by when you come to create your own illustrations.
There is a good list next to my door. Or look on THIS pinboard I lovingly created.

The contents of the case study could include the following. 

n.b. Tasks get harder as you go down the list. If you are after an A*, get to the end.

1. Biography  

Include a few images from the designer's back catalogue and some interesting historical information. (Read, digest and then write your findings. Do not copy and paste information from the web.)
2. Characteristics
Take a number of typical examples and bullet point why they are characteristic of the designer.
3. Context
Consider the context. What other designers are working at the same time? Include a range of illustrator's work
4. Influences
Research to find out who the designer has been influenced by. To do this you may need to read an interview wit the illustrator. 
Just Google "Interview with [illustrator's name]"
5. Working in their style
Using photos or drawings that you created yourself or images from the web, copy or emulate the style of the designer that you are researching and create a version or your own.

Produce your case study using a Google Presentation or your sketchbook. To embed it on your blog, follow THIS tutorial.

Checklist for assessment
Relevant images, in-depth research your own words (no copy and paste), accurate emulation.

Time needed
5 hours

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Extended study task - screen printing comic strip.

Extended study task.
Deadline: Wed 25th of Jan

Create a step by step comic that explains the process of screen print.
Research using Youtube, books or the web.
The final design could be experimental in construction or view, or it could be straightforward. It's up to you.
This could a combination of image and/or text or just image?
You may create you own images, take photos, use found image or screen shots.

1 hr research
3 hrs drawing / creating.

Poster task 3 - Refined Draft

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Poster task 2 - Scamping others / scamping your own.

To further understand the part white space plays in a graphic artefact.
To become aware of how designers balance elements on a page.

Gather a range of posters. This can be via Pinterest or your own examples for books.
Draw them in quickly your sketchbook.
Look at your example and loosely sketch the page. Pay close attention to the light and dark tones—allow your brain to 'threshold' the greys into either light or dark tones. See the example above.
The images in the presentation are of a variety of artefacts - not merely posters, but you get the gist.
Complete 24+


Time needed
2 hours

Wed 7th of Feb

Poster task 1 - Research

To find a broad range examples of poster design

1. Fill a pinboard with 30+ examples of poster design
2. Find an article by a poster designer or printer and take notes

Checklist for assessment
Lots of relevant examples from different events

Time needed?
1 hr


Wed 7th Dec

Promo Poster

To broaden your knowledge of graphic artefacts 
To widen your skill base of graphic techniques

Produce a screen printed poster to promote an event.
This could be a gig, an event, a film, a party etc
(Smaller tasks will follow...)

Sketchbook and Google Slides 

You will be graded holistically on
Research and Development - pinboards, case studies, copies
Exploration and Review - scamping, drafting, emulation, ink overlay process
Recording and Reflecting - subject matter drawings and photographs
Personal Presentation - Screenprinted design

Time needed
6 weeks

Wed 18th Jan